Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The last chapter

All the blogger experience in this class has been very interesting, I mean all the weeks we have to write about different themes, themes that we sometimes have to research sometimes interesting sometimes not xD but anyway thanks to the blogs I could get better my writing skin :D…………  I’m very bad with all the thing of the writing, I reaaalllyyyyy don’t born for the writing, but here a learn a little more about how find the words that a need when a have to explain to you about how I feeling or what I think about something: D although still be hard not just because is difficult for me write in Spanish, isssss very very hard try to put in this blog what I think in a language that I almost never use :C sorry if in any blog I write something wrong :C
The only thing that I don’t like of this course is that we can’t choice all the themes about what we going to write L I sincerely prefer that each student choice a theme every class and write about that, because if you choice a theme is because you understand or that that theme inspire you to write. I think that is more gratifying expound on a known theme. Well I don’t know what else to say…. So that is all!!         

See you next semester in English IV :”)

LOV U <3

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mass Spectrometry

A very important instrument in a lab (specially for forensic sciences) is the mass spectrometer, unfortunately in Chile we only have one of this :c This instrument can help us establish what kind of components are in a compound.

The mass spectrometry  is a technique a little bit new in Chile, in the Mass Spectrometry Lab of the Physic and Mathematics Sciences Department they have only ONE mass spectrometer and thanks of that instrument we can get more information about different geologic process. 
"Laboratorio de Espectrometria de Masas en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

Also, how i said you in the beginning of the post i mention the forensic sciences, well in other countries this instrument is very important because with that the chemist or biochemist or the scientific can measure the concentration and the mass of different molecules extract from the dead body, with this technique you can identify substances that in a beginning are difficult to identify.

Of my point of view this instrument is very important for reach a “real” scientific progress, i mean, a lot of scientific has to go out to the country only for use this instrument or another one because in Chile don’t have. >:C 

hope you like this post <3 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I'm gonna tell you about one of my favourites classes at the moment, the beautiful....... the magnificent.......LABORATORY TECHNIQUES.....chan chan chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.   

Well is one of my favourites because i also love Chemistry <3 

In Laboratory usually the lesson is of 3 hours including what the teacher says in the lab and then we have 2 hours of Lab, the beginning of the class is a little boring but  when you finally go to the lab everything is so fun and i feel so good in there, i think that in the lab i learn more than a normal theory class. <3 

We all the weeks do a lot of interesting things, (making solutions, titration, etc) and boring things as wash the material (the only thing good of that activity is that i can speak a lot with my friends while we wash the material)  

This class is one of my favourites because for this i'm study biochemistry (well for that in another reasons) and is essential know how i have to involve in the lab.

This class i will never forget ( i hope), i mean, this is the  basis of all the labs coming. 

lov ya<3

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...