Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I'm gonna tell you about one of my favourites classes at the moment, the beautiful....... the magnificent.......LABORATORY TECHNIQUES.....chan chan chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.   

Well is one of my favourites because i also love Chemistry <3 

In Laboratory usually the lesson is of 3 hours including what the teacher says in the lab and then we have 2 hours of Lab, the beginning of the class is a little boring but  when you finally go to the lab everything is so fun and i feel so good in there, i think that in the lab i learn more than a normal theory class. <3 

We all the weeks do a lot of interesting things, (making solutions, titration, etc) and boring things as wash the material (the only thing good of that activity is that i can speak a lot with my friends while we wash the material)  

This class is one of my favourites because for this i'm study biochemistry (well for that in another reasons) and is essential know how i have to involve in the lab.

This class i will never forget ( i hope), i mean, this is the  basis of all the labs coming. 

lov ya<3


My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...