Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My hobbit :D

Hello everyone today I'm going to talk to you about my hobbies, I don't have a lot of hobbies I think, Netflix is a hobby??....  because if it is, Netflix is totally a hobby for me, is a style of life, xD Joke, well in my free time (that is not too much) I read. In the actuality I read A Game of Thrones, I love to read since I was a child, my favorites books are  The Shining and The Name of the Wind (a few months ago a talked to you about these books).
     A Game of Thrones-George R.R Martín (Currently Reading) 

Favorites Books.

The Shining- Stephen King
The Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss

For me, reading is the most amazing thing that the man could ever create (well not create but I think that you can understand me), I can go far far away from here and make me so happy every time that I went to another world in a book.

But this hobby is not the older that I have, let me put you in context, I have a "mini market" in my house and some people when used the public telephone use foreign cash  and I collect that money then when I grow up i suggest to my neighbor gave me the foreign money that they have and help my with my collection, today I have money of almost twenty countries and I'm so proud of that collection.

I think that a hobby is something that you can do when you feel bad or you need a scape, I enjoy seeing how big is my money' collect today than a few years ago. The hobby that I never gonna have is collecting stamps, that sounds so boring for me, but in the future, I hope to collect postcard of other countries :D.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Linkin Pop

Hello everyone, i hope that your week was happy, a few months ago I talk to you about some concerts that I was to going to go in that moment, so today is the day to speak to you about my favorite concert of this year!!… that is so difficult to me because I went to the Evanescence Concert and Linkin Park Concert, (both was soooo beautiful) ><

But really my favorite of these was Linkin Park with Rise Against, because in Evanescence I was in “Platea Baja” and it felt so far away from Amy Lee :c but in Linkin I was in “Cancha General” *-*
 I knew Linkin Park about nine years ago, I think , well this band is kind of  “rap rock”, his vocalists are Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington but tragically in the last July the last one was found dead in his hotel bedroom, anyway :c I went to his concert with two friends and the memory that I clearly remember is how in the song “Faint” a friend in the middle of a mosh he end on the ground that was so funny xD. I was so excited to see how all the people join together to sing every song of the band, even I sing shoulder by shoulder with other people, I “make” friends while we wait for the concert begin.

Concerts join the people! THE MUSIC JOIN THE PEOPLE!!


Hope you like it, see you in the next post <3

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...