Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My hobbit :D

Hello everyone today I'm going to talk to you about my hobbies, I don't have a lot of hobbies I think, Netflix is a hobby??....  because if it is, Netflix is totally a hobby for me, is a style of life, xD Joke, well in my free time (that is not too much) I read. In the actuality I read A Game of Thrones, I love to read since I was a child, my favorites books are  The Shining and The Name of the Wind (a few months ago a talked to you about these books).
     A Game of Thrones-George R.R Martín (Currently Reading) 

Favorites Books.

The Shining- Stephen King
The Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss

For me, reading is the most amazing thing that the man could ever create (well not create but I think that you can understand me), I can go far far away from here and make me so happy every time that I went to another world in a book.

But this hobby is not the older that I have, let me put you in context, I have a "mini market" in my house and some people when used the public telephone use foreign cash  and I collect that money then when I grow up i suggest to my neighbor gave me the foreign money that they have and help my with my collection, today I have money of almost twenty countries and I'm so proud of that collection.

I think that a hobby is something that you can do when you feel bad or you need a scape, I enjoy seeing how big is my money' collect today than a few years ago. The hobby that I never gonna have is collecting stamps, that sounds so boring for me, but in the future, I hope to collect postcard of other countries :D.


  1. This summer I started reading got but i didn't finish it because I didn't have time anymore:( is a good book.

  2. Reading is amazing especially the fact that books can transport you

  3. It´s so hard for me read one book, I don´t know but I don´t like it

  4. actually I reading "the name of the wind" and its so fantastic...
    but the author still ends the saga.

  5. reading is a good hobbie,disconnect from reality

  6. Enjoying literature and the art of film / film production is also one of my hobbies!
    And I love Got!

  7. books are the best!!


My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...