Friday, October 13, 2017


Hi peopleee in this post I gonna talk about the drugs that I’ve been familiarize (not too much xD), that was drugs of abuse as antidepressant, anxiolytic, benzodiazepines, sleeping pills, I consumed that drugs for find of six months, and I can tell you that all those months I wasn´t me, because I felt all more slow, I was slow, it was if all those months was a dream for me, but it was for my health, before of that I was always so fast, I think in all, but live fast is so harmful for my health, in that moment I could not resist anymore the pressure. Today I don’t use any drug, I’m clean for a whole year from drugs, but sometimes I feel the necessity of use them, especially when I feel sad or I want to sleep, the only benefit of use that drugs was do more easy my psychotherapy but I didn’t finish the treatment :D, I don’t use and I don’t interest of another drugs.
I think that use drugs as a recreational thing is good, but that can’t affect your environment, and do something if that get out of control, the addiction it’s a very serious thing, and if you are in a career when you have to work with a lot of drugs it’s more difficult,  I don’t want to work with someone that can’t control yourself and coming in any time dope to the lab, is dangerous.
Today I have only one addiction, I’m a cakeaholic, the sad thing is that I’m a diet because I have insulin resistance :C so I felt the withdrawal symptoms, really, I eat 3 cakes for day :C and for the sickness I have to stop :c a felt dizzy, and dream with the cakes, I NEED SUGAR IN MY LIFE!!

So that is all!!! Have a beauty weekend :D


  1. the cake in your post looks like delicious! the sugar in excess is bad for your health :c

  2. I got hungry with your post haha Now i need to get some cake! hate you haha But addiction to sugar is something very common today, if you are not cary you could develop some other disease... But, we all love cakes haha Great post!

  3. I love cakes with all my heart, they are so good!!

  4. But Camila, you have to stop eating sugar :(


My experience having English Classes in the University

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