Friday, November 10, 2017

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funny...sometimes... don't misunderstand me... I learn a lot with this kind of “lesson” but the themes are not very emm funny, I mean, the mostly of the themes was about the future (relating of our career) and another things and I don’t think frequently, about the future of my career, I mean, I’m in my first year of Biochemist and I felt so pressure of think about what a wanna do or what I wanna change or where I wanna work or talk about post grades studies.

Sincerely the most of blogs was a little boring, the writing was so difficult, I didn’t enjoy of writing, but it’s a mark: C

I don’t speak english a lot but I usually watch tv series on that language or read a little bit scientific pages or text to my friends with “span-english” and that is fun, play with the language is fun.

I would like learn english in a institute of english, because I felt that the english in the university it’s almost the same of the school (using a radio, do pages of a english book) I would like learn phonetics, in the school I learn I little phonemes, and with that I learn I little more to speak in english, also I would like learn another languages like Italian or german.

Well in spite of everything I can say that I progress writing, I don’t have fear or a lot of fear of writing in another language, that’s good.

This is the last blog… I think so… Hope you like all of this, and bye bye people!!

p.s: if is the last blog…. See you never!! :D

Friday, November 3, 2017

Things that i want to change (In my career)

Hi again! I would talk you about some changes that I could made in my study progamme, as you know I study biochemistry and I’m in my first year of this career and I realize that the programme of my career even if it’s the most updated, we just had one “Introduction Subject” called “reasoning and scientific communication” and for me, all the people that had interesting with the career feel in the end of the first semester a lot of discourage, because had only subjects of “Common Plan” and no one specialized with the career, also Biochemistry as a lot of fields of research but just a few part of the students knows very well what is the biochemist’ task, we need more information or curses or a meeting with graduate students of the career.
I think that the programm even though his lacks (scarcity of subjects of introduction to the career or subjects only for the career) it’s very complete in the academic sense, I mean, the career it’s very difficult (as all the careers of this department) and all the subjects be at the height of this university, I only hope that in a future had more financing, because all the years join to this career almost 50 persons, and all that people wanna do some investigation  but the capacity if the labs for research are so limited.
The faculty facilities are good for the level of the students, (I don’t know how are the labs of postgraduate) , the critic that im gonna do against the department is the hardly area for all the students, professors, workers in general for eating, study, etc. we are almost 1.500 students, we need more space.
 I’m only in the second semester but I think that in the department teach the need for the new technologies but I think that the teachers need a little update with the use of ppt xD.

That’s all!! Hope you like it ><

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...