Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Where i want to go......

Hiiii  I’m here again and today I’m going to talk to you about the country that I want to visit, but I don`t have only one place that I want to go, I’ve never been to in another country………well, that is a lie because the last year a went to Argentina xD but it was just for three days, if I had to choice any place to visit of my long list I think that I’m going to choose Ireland it’s part of Island of Ireland, I think that that place is so magical, I fall in love all the times that I look pictures of landscapes, do you ever see pictures of the Blarney Castle ?!!
Blarney Castle

Or do you ever heard about the Celts? I few of this tribe went to Ireland and left I little piece of his history

A celtic cross

Well Ireland is a place full of history, mystery…. I would like go to vacations someday, (when I will be a famous biochemist I hope), go in Saint Patrick's Day, visit the castles, go to Killarney National Park, etc.

I don’t think that Ireland is a place for my future job, I don’t know really, but a prefer go to travel, go to a lot of countries, study in a lot of places to, but I don’t think that Ireland is the country that I want to live. 

I hope you like it, and tell me, what country do you want to know??


  1. It is a really nice post my friend, we could travel together someday, Ireland sounds like a really great place.

  2. the image of a celtic cross is emblem of culture, history and many other´s things. good post!

  3. Ireland!! I want to go there tooooooo

  4. I love the castles of Ireland, they're like the castles of fairy tales

  5. jassdasjas I hope that you become a famous biochemist some day


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