Wednesday, May 31, 2017

People that I admire


It´s difficult for me think about a person that i admire because in this world a lot of people has do many of  actions for "help" to the humanity, making a lot of news investigations, but when you said to me a person that i admire in my field....well.... i'm new in this thing of biochemistry but i admire Leonardo da Vinci, Platón, Marie Curie, etc.
I'm gonna talk to you about  Leonardo da Vinci... ><

Leonardo born in 1452 and he did a lot of things, i mean, he was a painter (The vitruvian man, etc.), inventor, musician (once i read a book related with how da Vinci supposedly hide in "The Last Supper" a song *0*), scientific, etc. I really admire of Leonardo his curiosity, his imagination, he made drawings of flying machines in the renaissance period!!!!  Around the name of da Vinci a lot of conspiracies had raised the mostly with the drawing of The Mona Lisa, and all that suppositions are so interesting, i love watch any documentary about this man.

I wish someday be like da Vinci and exhume a body from a cemetery......... not really xD 😶 but i wanna know a lot of things of a lot of investigations fields as da Vinci.

See you soon <3

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My favourite book and movie

I have a lot of books in my house, only in my bedroom i have two bookshelf and i think that i have almost 30 books that i buy for myself, so with all those antecedents you can imagine how much i love read.

My favourite book is "The shining" writing by Stephen King, this novel it's about a family that has to take care of the "Overlook Hotel" during the winter, if you know to Stephen King you has to know that he is a horror writer.

The thing that i love of this book is that i scare with normal situations,not when Jack hunt his own family in the hotel, i feel a lot of fear with the Danny' paranoia that he feels in the hotel, i could feel deep into the book, into the Overlook Hotel, that feeling is amazing and the context that King write the novel is very interesting. 

Well this book was adapt to a movie that i didn't see, but The Simpsons do a chapter in honour to this book :D

I read the book in .pdf :C when i was 14 ><

I don't have a favourite movie, well right now i can't remember, but when i think in a movie comes to my mind Requiem for a dream, when i see this movie in some scenes i feel so sick, i mean, with the soundtrack, the actors, the scenes you can feel a lot of feelings, feel the consequences of the addiction..
That is what i love when a see movies, feel what the characters feel.

                                            I think that you know this song :D

P.s: I didn't read Doctor Sleep :c
P.s: I have a collection of books written by Agatha Christie <3

Hope you read this book or see this movie in some moment of your lives:D

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Hi! Today i´m gonna talk about the photos that i like, first you have to know that i'm so bad when the other people take me photos, i'm the worst model xD,  but i like take photos, i have a friend with a lot of cameras and we sometimes go to parks and take a lot of photos.  

I love the urbex photograph, i think that with that type of photograph we can see the other places that we almost never frequent. Abandoned places. Mysterious. Beautiful. 
I wanna find a place like this and make photos with lights and fire :D


This is for me the best photo that someone take to me.
                                                                       P.S. Facebook low the quality to this photo :C

This photograph was taken by a friend in the graduation' gala, that day he did a lot of photos but that  photograph was soooooo beautiful*-------------*  

Thanks programs like Photoshop or Lightroom we can get better photos, make it magical, transmit with the colours, places, the model, etc., a lot of feelings. It isn't easy take photos, sometimes you have lucky, but with practice take photos become more simple.
I prefer take portraits specially to my friends, i think that the portraits show the person from a different angle, i mean, we can see to the person with another point of view, a point a view that we often see in the person.

Hope u like this, see u soon <3

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Me in the world of music.

I love with all my heart the music, I remember the first time when I hear one of my favorites bans, i was between eight or ten and my cousin was teach me how to use youtube and he show me the song Lithium of Evanescence and a fall I love with that band *----* but I have to confess something, when I was ten I hear reggaeton and bachata, but shhhhh >< 
Today i'm in the chorus of the university :D

When I was 14 I entered the chorus of my school and I was there for four years, in the middle of that I was the temporary principal singer of my friends' band, our setlist was:
-“Paranoid” of Black Sabbath
-“Blitzkrieg Bop” of Ramones
-“Niño soldado” of Ska-p
-“De música ligera” of Soda Stereo
-“The pretender” of Foo Fighters
-“Not good enough for truth in cliché” of Escape the fate
Well they still playing other songs with another vocalist :D

With all these antecedents I think that you can deduce what is the style of music that I like but I also hear pop or electro even indie with Florence + The Machine
Also I play a little bit of piano and guitar, I love hear song with solos of bass or cellos or pianos, I love that instruments*-----*

I remember for the musical Cats the song “Memory”, that song is so beautiful and “I dreamed a dream” for les miserable, also I sing in the chorus of my school the song ”I will follow him” for the movie Sister Act, that was a epic year we sang that song in the graduation ceremony in all the people stand up and dance with us that song.

My favorites bands are Three Days Grace, Evanescence, Linking Park, Paramore, Escape the Fate, Rise Against, Florence + The Machine.

P.s: This month it's gonna be epic lml 

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...