Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Hi! Today i´m gonna talk about the photos that i like, first you have to know that i'm so bad when the other people take me photos, i'm the worst model xD,  but i like take photos, i have a friend with a lot of cameras and we sometimes go to parks and take a lot of photos.  

I love the urbex photograph, i think that with that type of photograph we can see the other places that we almost never frequent. Abandoned places. Mysterious. Beautiful. 
I wanna find a place like this and make photos with lights and fire :D


This is for me the best photo that someone take to me.
                                                                       P.S. Facebook low the quality to this photo :C

This photograph was taken by a friend in the graduation' gala, that day he did a lot of photos but that  photograph was soooooo beautiful*-------------*  

Thanks programs like Photoshop or Lightroom we can get better photos, make it magical, transmit with the colours, places, the model, etc., a lot of feelings. It isn't easy take photos, sometimes you have lucky, but with practice take photos become more simple.
I prefer take portraits specially to my friends, i think that the portraits show the person from a different angle, i mean, we can see to the person with another point of view, a point a view that we often see in the person.

Hope u like this, see u soon <3


My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...