Friday, November 10, 2017

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funny...sometimes... don't misunderstand me... I learn a lot with this kind of “lesson” but the themes are not very emm funny, I mean, the mostly of the themes was about the future (relating of our career) and another things and I don’t think frequently, about the future of my career, I mean, I’m in my first year of Biochemist and I felt so pressure of think about what a wanna do or what I wanna change or where I wanna work or talk about post grades studies.

Sincerely the most of blogs was a little boring, the writing was so difficult, I didn’t enjoy of writing, but it’s a mark: C

I don’t speak english a lot but I usually watch tv series on that language or read a little bit scientific pages or text to my friends with “span-english” and that is fun, play with the language is fun.

I would like learn english in a institute of english, because I felt that the english in the university it’s almost the same of the school (using a radio, do pages of a english book) I would like learn phonetics, in the school I learn I little phonemes, and with that I learn I little more to speak in english, also I would like learn another languages like Italian or german.

Well in spite of everything I can say that I progress writing, I don’t have fear or a lot of fear of writing in another language, that’s good.

This is the last blog… I think so… Hope you like all of this, and bye bye people!!

p.s: if is the last blog…. See you never!! :D

Friday, November 3, 2017

Things that i want to change (In my career)

Hi again! I would talk you about some changes that I could made in my study progamme, as you know I study biochemistry and I’m in my first year of this career and I realize that the programme of my career even if it’s the most updated, we just had one “Introduction Subject” called “reasoning and scientific communication” and for me, all the people that had interesting with the career feel in the end of the first semester a lot of discourage, because had only subjects of “Common Plan” and no one specialized with the career, also Biochemistry as a lot of fields of research but just a few part of the students knows very well what is the biochemist’ task, we need more information or curses or a meeting with graduate students of the career.
I think that the programm even though his lacks (scarcity of subjects of introduction to the career or subjects only for the career) it’s very complete in the academic sense, I mean, the career it’s very difficult (as all the careers of this department) and all the subjects be at the height of this university, I only hope that in a future had more financing, because all the years join to this career almost 50 persons, and all that people wanna do some investigation  but the capacity if the labs for research are so limited.
The faculty facilities are good for the level of the students, (I don’t know how are the labs of postgraduate) , the critic that im gonna do against the department is the hardly area for all the students, professors, workers in general for eating, study, etc. we are almost 1.500 students, we need more space.
 I’m only in the second semester but I think that in the department teach the need for the new technologies but I think that the teachers need a little update with the use of ppt xD.

That’s all!! Hope you like it ><

Friday, October 13, 2017


Hi peopleee in this post I gonna talk about the drugs that I’ve been familiarize (not too much xD), that was drugs of abuse as antidepressant, anxiolytic, benzodiazepines, sleeping pills, I consumed that drugs for find of six months, and I can tell you that all those months I wasn´t me, because I felt all more slow, I was slow, it was if all those months was a dream for me, but it was for my health, before of that I was always so fast, I think in all, but live fast is so harmful for my health, in that moment I could not resist anymore the pressure. Today I don’t use any drug, I’m clean for a whole year from drugs, but sometimes I feel the necessity of use them, especially when I feel sad or I want to sleep, the only benefit of use that drugs was do more easy my psychotherapy but I didn’t finish the treatment :D, I don’t use and I don’t interest of another drugs.
I think that use drugs as a recreational thing is good, but that can’t affect your environment, and do something if that get out of control, the addiction it’s a very serious thing, and if you are in a career when you have to work with a lot of drugs it’s more difficult,  I don’t want to work with someone that can’t control yourself and coming in any time dope to the lab, is dangerous.
Today I have only one addiction, I’m a cakeaholic, the sad thing is that I’m a diet because I have insulin resistance :C so I felt the withdrawal symptoms, really, I eat 3 cakes for day :C and for the sickness I have to stop :c a felt dizzy, and dream with the cakes, I NEED SUGAR IN MY LIFE!!

So that is all!!! Have a beauty weekend :D

Monday, October 9, 2017

What i see in the future

You know that I’m student of biochemistry and I want to do a Ph.D. (I said that in my last blog, go to see them) well, I wanna do that PhD because I think that right now all the labs or companies want the best of best and for me be someday Ph.D. in something sounds so good, you gonna be expert in one subject of your career and you can help more efficiently in the present resources, or that is my opinion.

A few weeks ago, I went to an exposition about programs of the graduate school of my department made a lot of speeches and it was very interesting, especially the programs of magister and Ph.D. of biochemistry, and the magister' program chemistry.

From the exposition of the different programs I really liked from the Magister, the subject of specialization: Clinic Biochemistry or
Toxicological Biochemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, and from the Ph.D. I don’t know, the pamphlet is very ambiguous in that subject, but something related to neurobiochemistry, toxicology, biochemistry, I don’t know, as a biochemist we have a lot of fields to specialize.

But I would like study in another country, see how are the labs in those places, I hope in the future have the opportunity of going out the country for study and have the opportunity to work, so a think that I prefer work and study in the same year.

Hope you like this post, xoxo.

Friday, October 6, 2017

my future job, i hope.

I’m student of Biochemistry and i hope that I in the future had a job focus on investigations, more exactly in some area related with medicine, stem cells,  skin regeneration, transplantation, or things likes that….

But honestly I hope work someday (not for my entire life) in the criminology lab, in PDI, *0* , that is my dream, since I was a child I dreamed with be in that place, I’m a big fan of all the things about criminalistic, but in the bottom I hope work on it someday, not forever, i don´t know right now if i wanna specialize in that field but i wanna that experience, I wanna do a lot of investigations and I don´t know when in the future I could do all the things that I wanna make, because also I wanna do a PhD, travel to another countries, do lectures in different colleges.

Criminalistics lab, PDI.
But if you asking me honestly about all those ideas for my future I said you that is difficult because the competition between all the students of biochemistry is very high, and we all know that the biochemistry salary is not the best :C specially if you want to be a researcher and focus only on that, I think that if you want money in the field that I wanna specialize ( emm something realeted with stem cells or neuroscience) you have to do university teaching or another job beside the research.

I hope do all the ideas that I think for my future. Hope you like this blog, see you!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

My hobbit :D

Hello everyone today I'm going to talk to you about my hobbies, I don't have a lot of hobbies I think, Netflix is a hobby??....  because if it is, Netflix is totally a hobby for me, is a style of life, xD Joke, well in my free time (that is not too much) I read. In the actuality I read A Game of Thrones, I love to read since I was a child, my favorites books are  The Shining and The Name of the Wind (a few months ago a talked to you about these books).
     A Game of Thrones-George R.R Martín (Currently Reading) 

Favorites Books.

The Shining- Stephen King
The Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss

For me, reading is the most amazing thing that the man could ever create (well not create but I think that you can understand me), I can go far far away from here and make me so happy every time that I went to another world in a book.

But this hobby is not the older that I have, let me put you in context, I have a "mini market" in my house and some people when used the public telephone use foreign cash  and I collect that money then when I grow up i suggest to my neighbor gave me the foreign money that they have and help my with my collection, today I have money of almost twenty countries and I'm so proud of that collection.

I think that a hobby is something that you can do when you feel bad or you need a scape, I enjoy seeing how big is my money' collect today than a few years ago. The hobby that I never gonna have is collecting stamps, that sounds so boring for me, but in the future, I hope to collect postcard of other countries :D.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Linkin Pop

Hello everyone, i hope that your week was happy, a few months ago I talk to you about some concerts that I was to going to go in that moment, so today is the day to speak to you about my favorite concert of this year!!… that is so difficult to me because I went to the Evanescence Concert and Linkin Park Concert, (both was soooo beautiful) ><

But really my favorite of these was Linkin Park with Rise Against, because in Evanescence I was in “Platea Baja” and it felt so far away from Amy Lee :c but in Linkin I was in “Cancha General” *-*
 I knew Linkin Park about nine years ago, I think , well this band is kind of  “rap rock”, his vocalists are Mike Shinoda and Chester Bennington but tragically in the last July the last one was found dead in his hotel bedroom, anyway :c I went to his concert with two friends and the memory that I clearly remember is how in the song “Faint” a friend in the middle of a mosh he end on the ground that was so funny xD. I was so excited to see how all the people join together to sing every song of the band, even I sing shoulder by shoulder with other people, I “make” friends while we wait for the concert begin.

Concerts join the people! THE MUSIC JOIN THE PEOPLE!!


Hope you like it, see you in the next post <3

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Where i want to go......

Hiiii  I’m here again and today I’m going to talk to you about the country that I want to visit, but I don`t have only one place that I want to go, I’ve never been to in another country………well, that is a lie because the last year a went to Argentina xD but it was just for three days, if I had to choice any place to visit of my long list I think that I’m going to choose Ireland it’s part of Island of Ireland, I think that that place is so magical, I fall in love all the times that I look pictures of landscapes, do you ever see pictures of the Blarney Castle ?!!
Blarney Castle

Or do you ever heard about the Celts? I few of this tribe went to Ireland and left I little piece of his history

A celtic cross

Well Ireland is a place full of history, mystery…. I would like go to vacations someday, (when I will be a famous biochemist I hope), go in Saint Patrick's Day, visit the castles, go to Killarney National Park, etc.

I don’t think that Ireland is a place for my future job, I don’t know really, but a prefer go to travel, go to a lot of countries, study in a lot of places to, but I don’t think that Ireland is the country that I want to live. 

I hope you like it, and tell me, what country do you want to know??

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The last chapter

All the blogger experience in this class has been very interesting, I mean all the weeks we have to write about different themes, themes that we sometimes have to research sometimes interesting sometimes not xD but anyway thanks to the blogs I could get better my writing skin :D…………  I’m very bad with all the thing of the writing, I reaaalllyyyyy don’t born for the writing, but here a learn a little more about how find the words that a need when a have to explain to you about how I feeling or what I think about something: D although still be hard not just because is difficult for me write in Spanish, isssss very very hard try to put in this blog what I think in a language that I almost never use :C sorry if in any blog I write something wrong :C
The only thing that I don’t like of this course is that we can’t choice all the themes about what we going to write L I sincerely prefer that each student choice a theme every class and write about that, because if you choice a theme is because you understand or that that theme inspire you to write. I think that is more gratifying expound on a known theme. Well I don’t know what else to say…. So that is all!!         

See you next semester in English IV :”)

LOV U <3

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mass Spectrometry

A very important instrument in a lab (specially for forensic sciences) is the mass spectrometer, unfortunately in Chile we only have one of this :c This instrument can help us establish what kind of components are in a compound.

The mass spectrometry  is a technique a little bit new in Chile, in the Mass Spectrometry Lab of the Physic and Mathematics Sciences Department they have only ONE mass spectrometer and thanks of that instrument we can get more information about different geologic process. 
"Laboratorio de Espectrometria de Masas en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas

Also, how i said you in the beginning of the post i mention the forensic sciences, well in other countries this instrument is very important because with that the chemist or biochemist or the scientific can measure the concentration and the mass of different molecules extract from the dead body, with this technique you can identify substances that in a beginning are difficult to identify.

Of my point of view this instrument is very important for reach a “real” scientific progress, i mean, a lot of scientific has to go out to the country only for use this instrument or another one because in Chile don’t have. >:C 

hope you like this post <3 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I'm gonna tell you about one of my favourites classes at the moment, the beautiful....... the magnificent.......LABORATORY TECHNIQUES.....chan chan chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.   

Well is one of my favourites because i also love Chemistry <3 

In Laboratory usually the lesson is of 3 hours including what the teacher says in the lab and then we have 2 hours of Lab, the beginning of the class is a little boring but  when you finally go to the lab everything is so fun and i feel so good in there, i think that in the lab i learn more than a normal theory class. <3 

We all the weeks do a lot of interesting things, (making solutions, titration, etc) and boring things as wash the material (the only thing good of that activity is that i can speak a lot with my friends while we wash the material)  

This class is one of my favourites because for this i'm study biochemistry (well for that in another reasons) and is essential know how i have to involve in the lab.

This class i will never forget ( i hope), i mean, this is the  basis of all the labs coming. 

lov ya<3

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

People that I admire


It´s difficult for me think about a person that i admire because in this world a lot of people has do many of  actions for "help" to the humanity, making a lot of news investigations, but when you said to me a person that i admire in my field....well.... i'm new in this thing of biochemistry but i admire Leonardo da Vinci, Platón, Marie Curie, etc.
I'm gonna talk to you about  Leonardo da Vinci... ><

Leonardo born in 1452 and he did a lot of things, i mean, he was a painter (The vitruvian man, etc.), inventor, musician (once i read a book related with how da Vinci supposedly hide in "The Last Supper" a song *0*), scientific, etc. I really admire of Leonardo his curiosity, his imagination, he made drawings of flying machines in the renaissance period!!!!  Around the name of da Vinci a lot of conspiracies had raised the mostly with the drawing of The Mona Lisa, and all that suppositions are so interesting, i love watch any documentary about this man.

I wish someday be like da Vinci and exhume a body from a cemetery......... not really xD 😶 but i wanna know a lot of things of a lot of investigations fields as da Vinci.

See you soon <3

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My favourite book and movie

I have a lot of books in my house, only in my bedroom i have two bookshelf and i think that i have almost 30 books that i buy for myself, so with all those antecedents you can imagine how much i love read.

My favourite book is "The shining" writing by Stephen King, this novel it's about a family that has to take care of the "Overlook Hotel" during the winter, if you know to Stephen King you has to know that he is a horror writer.

The thing that i love of this book is that i scare with normal situations,not when Jack hunt his own family in the hotel, i feel a lot of fear with the Danny' paranoia that he feels in the hotel, i could feel deep into the book, into the Overlook Hotel, that feeling is amazing and the context that King write the novel is very interesting. 

Well this book was adapt to a movie that i didn't see, but The Simpsons do a chapter in honour to this book :D

I read the book in .pdf :C when i was 14 ><

I don't have a favourite movie, well right now i can't remember, but when i think in a movie comes to my mind Requiem for a dream, when i see this movie in some scenes i feel so sick, i mean, with the soundtrack, the actors, the scenes you can feel a lot of feelings, feel the consequences of the addiction..
That is what i love when a see movies, feel what the characters feel.

                                            I think that you know this song :D

P.s: I didn't read Doctor Sleep :c
P.s: I have a collection of books written by Agatha Christie <3

Hope you read this book or see this movie in some moment of your lives:D

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Hi! Today i´m gonna talk about the photos that i like, first you have to know that i'm so bad when the other people take me photos, i'm the worst model xD,  but i like take photos, i have a friend with a lot of cameras and we sometimes go to parks and take a lot of photos.  

I love the urbex photograph, i think that with that type of photograph we can see the other places that we almost never frequent. Abandoned places. Mysterious. Beautiful. 
I wanna find a place like this and make photos with lights and fire :D


This is for me the best photo that someone take to me.
                                                                       P.S. Facebook low the quality to this photo :C

This photograph was taken by a friend in the graduation' gala, that day he did a lot of photos but that  photograph was soooooo beautiful*-------------*  

Thanks programs like Photoshop or Lightroom we can get better photos, make it magical, transmit with the colours, places, the model, etc., a lot of feelings. It isn't easy take photos, sometimes you have lucky, but with practice take photos become more simple.
I prefer take portraits specially to my friends, i think that the portraits show the person from a different angle, i mean, we can see to the person with another point of view, a point a view that we often see in the person.

Hope u like this, see u soon <3

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Me in the world of music.

I love with all my heart the music, I remember the first time when I hear one of my favorites bans, i was between eight or ten and my cousin was teach me how to use youtube and he show me the song Lithium of Evanescence and a fall I love with that band *----* but I have to confess something, when I was ten I hear reggaeton and bachata, but shhhhh >< 
Today i'm in the chorus of the university :D

When I was 14 I entered the chorus of my school and I was there for four years, in the middle of that I was the temporary principal singer of my friends' band, our setlist was:
-“Paranoid” of Black Sabbath
-“Blitzkrieg Bop” of Ramones
-“Niño soldado” of Ska-p
-“De música ligera” of Soda Stereo
-“The pretender” of Foo Fighters
-“Not good enough for truth in cliché” of Escape the fate
Well they still playing other songs with another vocalist :D

With all these antecedents I think that you can deduce what is the style of music that I like but I also hear pop or electro even indie with Florence + The Machine
Also I play a little bit of piano and guitar, I love hear song with solos of bass or cellos or pianos, I love that instruments*-----*

I remember for the musical Cats the song “Memory”, that song is so beautiful and “I dreamed a dream” for les miserable, also I sing in the chorus of my school the song ”I will follow him” for the movie Sister Act, that was a epic year we sang that song in the graduation ceremony in all the people stand up and dance with us that song.

My favorites bands are Three Days Grace, Evanescence, Linking Park, Paramore, Escape the Fate, Rise Against, Florence + The Machine.

P.s: This month it's gonna be epic lml 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


My favourite piece of technology is definitely my smart phone, i can talk with my friends and family without be with they, watch movies, listen to music, read a lot of books <3, etc. 
I use my cell phone all the day in every hour forever and ever <3 
But.... that is wrong :C i mean, the cell phones have disadvantages, we almost don´t  talk face to face to the people, we prefer send messages by "whatsapp" or use instagram or facebook, and the most conversation face to face ends because all the people are using the cell phone.
My parents give to me my first phone when i was ten and since that moment I cant’t almost live, ok I’m overreacting but if a lose my smart phone I think that I’ll have to start to buy more books or buy an ebook :C
Well, that’s all!! I hope you enjoy it.
Smartphones 2015-2017 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Why I choose Biochemist as my career???

Well, when a was fourteen years old i started to love all the things related with the chemist, my cousin is a chemist and she works on the "Laboratorio de Farmacología Veterinaria" and she often bring me the possibility of help her in his work and learned more about the work of the chemist in the Lab, in that place i could learn more about the other careers related with the chemist and the biochemist always attract me because when i asked to chemist or teachers they never could reply satisfactory what the biochemist do and that increase my curiosity.

Later i hear a phrase that help me a lot: "Don´t think about what you want study, think about in the place what you want to work" and in my mind the perfect place to work is a lab *----* That is my biggest dream, work in a lab and do investigation and have the possibility of HELP PEOPLE and Biochemist is the career that satisfy that dream. 

P.S: When i was a child i wanted to be a lawyer.
P.S2: My second option was Pharmacy *0*
P.S3: So far, i have new friends that i have met at the university and a love them a lot <3  A LOVE THIS CAREER! 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

About me...

HI!!!! My real name is Camila Garcia, but in this blog i'm going to use my alter-ego. I'm the only daughter of my parents, but i have four half-brothers and i'm aunt of five children. 

I forget to say that i was born in 1998, more specific in August,09. NEVER FORGET THAT DAY.
I studied in Boston College La Farfana for 14 years in Maipú, I still living in that commune but in holidays i go to Chillán where the family of my mom lives and i can see my aunts and uncles (I have 5 aunts and 4 uncles) , cousins ( i think that you can imagine how many cousins i have) and a lot of other people.

The last year i graduate of my school and i had to do the most TERRIBLE, the most SCARY TEST, the P S U, damn, that day was the most stressful of my whole life, anyway i could pass the test and in the actuality i am in the most prestigious university of the country, the Universidad de Chile, i become a son of Bello!!!, the first of the family to go to this university. 

Well that was a little bit of my life, don´t forget my birthday guys!! 

P.S: sometimes when i'm boring i do a concerts in my room and i sing a lot of songs.

                                                   THAT'S ME!!! (in the actuality)

Another picture of  me as a baby with my mom.

My experience having English Classes in the University

Hi everyone, as you know, i do this blogs because i have to do this xD for university for English subject and write all this things is funn...